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執筆者の写真: Beyond MediaBeyond Media

writer Randy Wagenheim Chief Columnist of Beyond Media






ハリス氏は、既成政党の第一候補であったにもかかわらず、投票が始まる前に脱落した。 彼女は熟練したディベーターではなく、自分自身に関連した(得意分野ともいえる)人種問題でバイデンを攻撃しようとした。検察官としての経歴もそれほど進歩的ではなく、小さな犯罪には厳しい、という印象を持っている。


彼らは進歩派にアピールする気はなく、進歩派はトランプがあまりにも悪いので、自分たちに投票する以外に選択肢がないということに賭けているのだ。 これは2016年のクリントンの負け戦略と全く同じだ。民主党はまた同じ過ちを犯そうとしている。



My main original point is roughly 50% of the US does not vote.  Instead of the Democratic party trying to appeal to this huge group of Americans turned off by politics, they went the other and attempt to inspire centrists and center right Americans repudiate Trump.  They are calculating that far left and progressives are also repulsed by Trump and will be forced to vote for them no matter what.  However, it is a poor strategy in my opinion because working people aren't inspired to participate that way.  We already saw this fail in 2016. The correct strategy would be for Biden/Harris to appeal to progressives and try to draw in new voters as much as possible while counting on the center right (people like John Kasich and Colin Powell) to reject Trump on moral grounds.

We have to understand that Bernie Sanders received an unprecedented amount of small donations from American people thirsty for honest representation who stands up for working people.    Bernie raised $115million from small donations (less than $200).  Kamala raised $8million from small donations.  Kamala Harris dropped out before the voting even started despite being the establishment's first choice.  She was not a skilled debater, and tried to attack Biden on racial issues related to her own life.  She does not seem authentic and her history as a prosecutor is not progressive, she is tough on small crimes.However, the Biden/Harris campaign is only about anti-Trump. 

They have no interest to appeal to progressives, they are betting on that progressives have no other choice but to vote for them because Trump is so bad.  It was a losing strategy in 2016 for Clinton.  The DNC is trying the same thing again.  They are not convinced that it was a flawed strategy last time.  The irony is 50% of America does not vote, but the DNC has not interest to try to appeal to these people it seems.As the article says, they are building an "identity politics coalition" trying to defeat Trump by attacking his identity (evil, racist, liar) instead of his specific policies.





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